Students and Parents, welcome to Introduction to Metalworking.

This page will be the link between our shop and the outside world. I am new to the web site game but I am hoping that the students will help out and any information that is needed can be found here.
Oxy-Acetylene welding is one of the oldest forms of welding still used. While its use in industry is rare these days, this is still a great way to learn how metal melts and how to manipulate it. This is one of four project areas that we will work on in class.
Oxy-Acetylene welding is one of the oldest forms of welding still used. While its use in industry is rare these days, this is still a great way to learn how metal melts and how to manipulate it. This is one of four project areas that we will work on in class.
Our fourth area of study is electric arc welding or Shielded Metal Arc Welding. In this area we will use high levels of electricity to melt thicker gauge plate steel. This process produces a high intensity light that can burn the skin and eyes. High levels of smoke and fumes are also present. Safety and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are a must.